Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Why are people so Healthy in Japan

Why are people so Healthy in Japan
When it comes to health, weight of course
is not everything, but since there are so many health complications from being overweight
or obese, its safe to say that Japan with an obesity rate of 3.5% Is generally healthier
than America with an obesity rate of 30%. Japan isnt perfect, it has found itself
on the 2012 top 50 list for cancer rates, but it comes in near the bottom of the list
at rank #48 while America is at rank #6. Im contrasting Japan with America simply
because these are the two countries Ive lived in. Last time, I argued that convenient access
to reasonably healthy food in Japan helps people stay thin.

But what else contributes to health? In my last video, a lot of comments pointed
out that in Tokyo you end up walking everywhere, which is true and should help people stay
lean. Also, walking while eating is generally frowned
upon, so more walking means less snacking. Public transportation is impressively convenient
and reliable - if youre traveling around Tokyo, your destination is almost always within a
20 minute walk from that areas train, subway or bus station. However, this is just Tokyo.

Such a population dense part of Japan with
highly organized public transportation unsurprisingly has the lowest rate of car ownership in Japan. Whats interesting is that average body
mass index doesnt change too drastically prefecture to prefecture, and higher car ownership
doesnt particularly correlate to higher body mass index. That said, more walking surely helps people
stay leaner and healthier, but its just one piece of a bigger puzzle. Next, the portion sizes in Japan are definitely

Heres what some typical lunches look like. When I first came to live in Japan in 2010,
I remember always being a little disappointed with the size of the meals. Of course bigger portions and even all you
can eat places are available, but Since food is more expensive here, I had to just get
used to eating less food. In 2014, people spent on average about 13.5%
Of their income on food, which is more than twice what people in America spent.

In 2013, 3682 calories were consumed per person
per day in America, but it was only 2726 calories per day in Japan. So Japanese people typically spend more money
for less calories. Although, cheap calories from the sugar in
soda is probably a factor here as Americans consumed more than 5 times the amount of soda
Japan did in 2011. Next, the type of food being eaten over here
is of course different.

You may have noticed in the clips I just showed
that everything comes with rice. The Japanese diet is by no means low carb,
but while Japan and America eat about the same amount of the two grains Wheat and Rice
combined, Japan eats about half as much wheat as America. Cutting out wheat or gluten is usually suspected
to be only a fad, but gluten, found in wheat and not rice, has been shown to have some
unique properties. This 2012 Brazilian rodent study for example,
found that putting just 4.5% Wheat gluten in the diet increases body fat, inflammation,
and insulin resistance.

Work by Dr. Alessio Fasano and his team has
shown that the gliadin protein of gluten, through the stimulation of a protein called
Zonulin, opens up the spaces between the epithelial cells in your gut. This allows gliadin fragments to leak through
the gut into the bloodstream, provoking an immune response and inflammation. However, since the reaction to gluten differs
person to person and the science is relatively new and complex, its hard to say by what
degree wheat is worse than rice or how much wheat is too much.

Next is the regular consumption of fermented
foods in Japan. Lie Metchnikoff, winner of the 1908 Nobel
Prize in Medicine, was the first to propose the theory that lactic acid bacteria are beneficial
to human health. He suggested that "oral administration of
cultures of fermentative bacteria would implant the beneficial bacteria in the intestinal
tract." As research on the gut microbiome develops,
the health effects of certain gut microbes and bacteria are becoming clearer. A transplant of the microbes from one overweight
woman to another woman caused the receiving woman to become obese, and its been found
that transplanting microbes from a confident mouse to an anxious mouse will make that anxious
mouse more confident.

Its estimated that there are 500 to 1000
species of bacteria just in your gut, and its important to take care of the right
species of these bacteria. Theres even research showing that certain
microbes produce certain neurotransmitters. And, fermented foods are supposed to support
the microbes that we do want to have. Plenty of fermented foods have been part of
the Japanese diet for a very long time.

Theres Natto, soy sauce, miso, fermented
fish and tsukemono which is pickled vegetables. Kimuchi, a fermented food traditionally from
Korea, is also widely available in Japan. Fermented foods like these are very easy to
find at the supermarket, and its common to get a side of Japanese pickles with your
meal. The next point is balanced meat consumption.

In 2017, total meat consumption in the U.S.
Per capita was 98.4 Kg where 51.4Kg of meat per capita were consumed in Japan. American people per capita ate only 7 kilograms
of seafood in 2015, while Japanese people ate 27.3 Kilograms of fish and fish products
in 2014. If the meat everyone was eating was antibiotic
free grass fed meat, high meat consumption might not be a bad thing, but in any case
we can agree that a higher fish intake is generally good for you. And I dont think it would surprise you
to hear that its really easy to get fish wherever you are in Japan.

But theres another kind of balance that
might be a factor - its the muscle meat to organ meat ratio. Organ meats have not usually been much of
a component of the American diet. During World War 2, people were encouraged
to eat organ meats as part of the food rationing effort. Articles like this one in this 1943 issue
of Time Magazine sold organ meats as highly nutritious and explained how to cook them.

The effort had some success in changing peoples
views on organ meats, but the effect, didnt last much longer than the war itself. This is unfortunate because, as the time magazine
issue shows, organ meats are rich in certain vitamins that muscle meat is not. And, glycine, an amino acid found in skin,
cartilage and connective tissue has several important health benefits- from being an anti-inflammatory
to improving skin elasticity, improving insulin response, and it has been shown to ameliorate
oxidative stress and lower blood pressure. This study found that you could get a 30%
increase in lifespan in rodents by restricting methionine, an amino acid found in muscle
meat, or you could get a 30% increase in lifespan by supplementing glycine.

Glycine supplementation also reduced fasting
blood sugar, fasting insulin and even triglycerides. So it looks like the potential negative effects
from eating too much muscle meat can be counteracted by simply consuming more of things like skin,
cartilage, connective tissue, and bone broth. Now in America you can surely find organ meats
at some supermarkets, but in my 20 years in America, organ meats were rarely on the menu,
though chicken skin is easy enough to find. Over in Japan, organ meats arent eaten
every day of course, but they are more common.

You can find them at the supermarket, or at
Barbeque places and HorumonYaki places specialize in organ meats,
you can also get them on skewers at Yakitori places. Pork is a big part of Okinawan cuisine and
they dont waste much of the animal Another thing is green tea consumption. Green tea has been found to have anti-inflammatory,
antioxidant and anti-cancer effects as well as blood sugar lowering effects thanks to
the catechins in it. Though, Im betting green tea being healthy
isnt new information to you.

Back when I lived in the states, the reason
drinking it didnt become a habit was that it was simply annoying to have to buy it at
the supermarket and then come home and make it. Here, pretty much any restaurant serves it,
sometimes for free, and you can always buy it from one of the many many vending machines
prevalent throughout the country. What might be an even bigger benefit from
regularly drinking green tea and other teas is that it keeps people from drinking sugary
sodas. Here, I rarely see people here drinking soda
with their meal, but I see people drinking tea all the time.

One last point is the food being served to
young children. In Japan, school meals are planned out by
a nutritionist, cooked mostly from scratch from local ingredients, then served in the
classroom by the students and eating manners are taught by the teacher. The only drink allowed is milk, so students
cant be drinking juice or other sweet drinks. The meals arent always perfect, but theyre
a lot better than what I remember getting from the cafeteria in grade school in the

Theres plenty more things about Japan I
havent mentioned here, some that I even expect would be bigger determinants of health
like consumption of Processed Foods, Sugar and processed corn, seed and soy oils. In short, it seems that people in Japan eat
a lot more food rather than food like products. Japans food culture has contributed a lot
to health over here, and I expect a lot more could be learned from looking at other countries
food environments. This video was sponsored by Audible...

is something I use almost every day. I've gotten a lot comments before asking about
my research process. And, honestly most of it is just reading all
the time and taking notes. Most of my reading is actually listening to
non-fiction books on Audible.

I usually set the playback speed to twice
as fast and when I come across a bit that sounds important, I use the bookmark function
to leave a note so I can come back to that point later. Of course Audible isn't just for non-fiction,
they have an unmatched selection of all kinds of audiobooks, original audio shows, news,
comedy, and more. I particularly enjoyed the book "Missing Microbes"
by Dr. Martin Blaser.

The book really came in handy while working
on my last video on the Microbiome, and it was just a really interesting and enjoyable
listen about the repercussions of using antibiotics too much. If you'd like to check it out, go to www.Audible.Com/whativelearned or text whativelearned
to 500-500 to get an exclusive 30 day free trial and one free book.

Monday, January 16, 2017

Trying to Get Into Fitness & Health

Trying to Get Into Fitness & Health
A month is already past of 2018 and you know what that means! People have already started giving up on their new year's resolutions... Google claims that only 8% of people actually keep their resolutions. Which is like, the ultimate "I'm not mad just disappointed." Well I'm happy to tell YOU that I haven't dropped any of my resolutions. I don't write any.

My family never really did resolutions Once, my dad was like "let's all write resolutions this year!" And we still didn't. And then I didn't accomplish anything. For me when I want to change something I start trying to integrate it into my life right away, rather than waiting until next week, or next year, or next LIFETIME for that fresh start. EVERY day is a Jaiden new year! *Party horn, kazoo, as well as that annoying spinny thing* Whew! As someone who doesn't write them, and probably isn't qualified to critique the art of new year's resolutions I'm gonna toss my opinion that no one asked for into the ring! I think the main contributors to those 92% failing goals are they're too unrealistic and they're too vauge.

Let's stop beating around the bush and talk about the most common resolution people make. Losing weight, eating healthier you know- that rabbit-hole. "Lose 20 pounds by drinking this tea from a weird plant you've never heard of!" "Lose 10 pounds in 30 minutes or your pizzas free!" "Lose... Your money" It's all basically just: Spongebob: -ALL RIGHT! GIVE ME THE MONEY! All those quick-fix weight-loss scams that make too good to be true claims are, just people who want your money.

Sure, the scale says "Hey! Great job you lost seven pounds in a week!" But your body says "Yeah, but that was all just water weight, and also I don't feel very good." Or (pain) If you want change you've got to earn it through work. There isn't an easy way out. Making changes in your lifestyle need to be sustainable for, life. That's why they're called "Lifestyle Changes" Not "I'm gonna pay $200 for this diet shake, feel good for two weeks, lose 10 pounds! ...Start feeling bad.

And give up in a month." Changes "I'm gonna start working out more" "I'm gonna start going to the gym," let's be honest with ourselves here, that's a weak excuse for a resolution "I will go on a run every other morning," "I'll lift weights 3 to 5 days a week." Those are much easier to follow than, "I'll exercise more" *pSHH* get out of here with that vague crap. You don't even know what you mean by that. And don't be flaky and say "oh, I missed a week, oh I'm hopeless" *sad moan of grief* NOMNOMNOMNOMNOM. You're not gonna be perfect for a whole year.

Take a breath, chill and keep going. I'm saying that to myself just as much as I am to you. I've been trying to be more self-aware about when my brain just wants to turn one little mess-up into an excuse to stop something entirely. I'm getting better at slowly ending that habit.

I grew up doing a lot of sports. Soccer, Martial Arts, Tennis, Competitive Pokmon. I know my way around the gym. But I dropped it all my last year of high school to focus on Youtube and art.

I didn't care about what I ate and combined with not moving around much I started feeling pretty crummy. So I ended up turning to what most people do when they reach a similar problem *sighs* All right, here we go. *Upbeat hip-hop gym music plays* Let's talk about home exercise videos. Why are so many of them so...

Fake? The weird hip-hop music and the smiles that are a bit too wide it might just be the plastic surgery, but it all makes me feel uncomfortable. I get that instructors want to make exercise seem fun and all that but, ehhhhhh it feels super condescending to me. How the FRIG do they do entire workouts smiling and talking and making cheesy eating pizza jokes? "All right now hold that squat -ooooh feel that burn in those quads!" "I'm smiling and articulating everything perfectly and I totally know you're panting like a dying animal over there! Don't think about that leftover pizza in the fridge!" *Giggles* -"Looking at YOU Brittany!" If you're looking for good home exercise programs, I'm gonna recommend this blog I've been following for a super long time called 'Fitness Blender.' Woah is that the sellout alarm?!?!? Is Jaiden finally selling out?? No, turn that thing off. I've never talked to Fitness Blender, they're not paying me to say this, They don't even know I exist.

*Groans of sadness* It's run by this nice couple (Daniel and Kelly) they're super down-to-earth and have a really healthy view on fitness and wellness. You can tell they know their stuff. All their exercise videos and tips are completely free, and if you want to use one of their written programs or meal plans, they're like 15 bucks. *GYM HIP-HOP INTENSIFIES* and they don't have that dumb music IN THE BACKGROUND OF THE VIDEO! If you're just starting out exercise it's gonna hurt and/or suck for a bit If it doesn't you aren't gonna see changes.

Well okay, don't murder yourself. Be smart about it. But your body is gonna complain for a while and that's good. There's plenty of activities you can do! Playing a sport with friends, walking your dog, a casual battle to the death -squats.

And respect your starting point. When I first started trying to get back into working out, I was just, *gasps of exhaustion* okay, alright, got through it. TV: -"Alright, we're done with our warm up grab a quick drink of water, and we'll get right into the workout!" But just stick through the beginning, because that's literally the hardest part. Raise your hand if you're sore! AHA trick question! You can't raise your arms.

They're jello. Don't forget that exercise is only a quarter of the health journey. What you eat is the biggest variable to all this life changing athlete hippy mumbo-jumbo. Eating right is like straight-up magic.

You feel amazing. It's the closest thing to drugs that isn't drugs. There's a difference between being thin, versus fit versus healthy kind of like Venn diagram style. Someone could be thin, but that doesn't mean they're at all healthy.

Someone could be super swollen, buff, but eat junk 24/7. And someone could be eating super healthy but not have the body of a supermodel. There's a healthy range of everything. I used to have a really bad relationship with eating.

I've talked about it before. In college I developed an eating disorder and a fear of eating food. And I would go like, an entire day eating almost nothing. "No Jadien!" *Slap* "you think that eating 600 calories a day is just gonna float you to all your hopes and dreams?" *M-hmm* "Nope.

It's just gonna give you headaches... And emotional breakdowns. You can trust me- I'm from the future~~~" "ALSO learn what bitcoin is and invest everything you can into it while you still can." I wish there was more information being taught on the dangers of eating disorders, Because if I knew about that whole mess 3 years ago, I would have been like "whoa!" Okay? Nevermind. Let's do a 180 here This ship is wack.

I'm getting out of here before it controls everything in my life." You can't abuse your body and expect anything good to come from it. Body: "Man I feel great! I could totally run a marathon and write an essay right now. I'm so energized and my brain is so clear!" "Thanks for feeding me LITERALLY ONE GRAPE." You don't go to the gas station, pour a cup of gas into your car, and then try to drive to China. Eating less than your body needs to physically survive accomplishes nothing.

It might seem like it's working in the moment but honey, you've got a big storm coming. Please try to end it as soon as you can. I'm not at all trying to shame anyone going through rough times with their self-image. I know it's a really hard thing to fight against.

I was pretty far gone when I was struggling. And even though I'm in a much better place now, I do still have bad days. What helps me is trying to separate logical thoughts from the bad ones that fueled the irrational fears. They're not here to see you succeed.

They're just the dumb brain versions of those tv and email scams where they're like "Hey! Give me your credit card info, social security number, and mother's maiden name and I'll give you a million dollars!" "I won't literally destroy your life, I'm just your friendly neighborhood Nigerian prince!" It's all more simple than you think. Eat healthy when you can, fresh fruit, vegetables, whole foods, and it's okay to treat yourself every once in a while. Don't say: "I'm never eating sugar for the rest of my life!" You're setting yourself up for failure there. And end up...

Being James. Exercise as much as little as you're ready for, and be mindful and respectful about how your body feels. Little changes go a long way. Remember you're doing this for you.

And don't play that dumb hip-hop music while you work out (music intensifies) or I SWEAR TO HERCULES I'm gonna RUN someone over with an exercise bike! Hey! It's been a while! Sorry. Anyway I don't know if you've seen yet, but the finebros made a reaction video on me. I've already seen it and had a reaction, but I don't think i'll be making a I react To people react to me thing. I know a lot of people wanted me to do that.

I enjoyed the video. They said some nice things I hope you see it, and thanks to the finebros for thinking I'm someone worth reacting to. *Pshhh* This video took a bit longer to get done, this year's actually gonna be pretty busy, and we got some special things in the works for you in the future. I'm really trying to up the quality of videos, and not die in the process.

I used to be super strict on uploading every two weeks, but it's really not sustainable for my mental health, or my health in general. So the videos will just be done when they're done. But I care more about the quality of videos than a certain schedule, so yeah. Also I hope you liked the video.

Stick to your resolutions, keep working towards the person you want to become, and take care of yourself. I'm working on all of that stuff too. Okay bye!.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

The Simplest Way to a Healthy LifeSadhguru

The Simplest Way
[Seeker] You once mentioned that a large population in the world is not healthy, which they could be simply because we have not understood some simple things and these simple things can be very easily taught and decimated in the world and shared with rest of the people. Can you  throw some more light on what these simple things are which can make us healthier? [Sadhguru] Oh! There was a young physician once. He went to his senior colleague and said, he had some problem with a certain diagnosis of a patient. Then the senior colleague said, "Oh! Nerves and vomiting is it, hmm?" "Yes, but I don't find any medical reason for him to be having nerves and vomiting." So the senior colleague suggested, "You ask him if he is playing golf.

If he is playing, you tell him to stop. If he says 'I am not playing' ask him to play. He'll become okay." Health is like that. (Laughs) (laughs) Really.

Some people are overworked and they have ill health. Most people are under worked and they have ill health today. If you lived here on this planet two hundred years ago, physically you would be doing at least twenty times more activity than what you're doing right now, physically, definitely, isn't it? You would have walked to this place. You would have done everything with your hands.

You would be doing minimum twenty times more activity - I think I am wrong - hundred times probably; Some of you two hundred and fifty times. (Laughter) So if you were doing that much activity, then I would have told you, take a break, take some rest. Now the body has not been used; only by using this body you can keep it well. When you say health, you're talking about physical health, you must use this body.

The more you use it, the better it gets. One of the simplest things about health, is just to use the body. If you sufficiently use the body - body has everything to create health for itself. Does it mean to say, that's the only thing and nothing else will happen to me, I'll be perfect? I would say If we physically used our body as much as we should, I would say eighty percent of the ailments on this planet would just disappear.

Eighty percent. The remaining twenty percent, in that, another ten percent is because of the type of foods that people are eating. If they change the food habit another ten percent would disappear. That means, only ten percent of the ailment would remain.

That has happened because of variety of reasons: one is karmic, another could be atmospheric and there are other aspects that could have happened in the system, which can be looked at. Out of all the sick people, if ninety percent of them become healthy just by using the body and eating the right food, ten percent could be easily handled. But now the volume of ailment is so big because we don't eat properly or we eat very properly and we don't use the body properly. So, apart from this, there are other aspects to life.

To put it very simply, as you exercise your body - if you just do this, a thousand times a day,  just do like this thousand times a day and after one month just see how well your hand will work. Nothing else. Just sit here and just do this thousand times a day. After thirty days you will find your hand works wonderfully well.

If you do that with your brains, (audience laughter) it will work wonderfully well in a month's time. If you do this to your heart, it will work wonderfully well. If you do that with your life energies, it will work wonderfully well. When all these things work well, that's health! Health is not something that you invent.

Health is not your idea. Health is life happening well. The life process is happening well; that's health. It's not your idea or my idea.

We are acting as if health is our idea, as if we created health. We didn't create health. If at all, if we have created health . .

.  If at all we have created anything, we have created ill-health. We have not created health. Health is life's way.

If you allow life to function fully, it is healthy. So, you just have to use your body, use your head and use your energies. If these three things are well exercised and balanced, you will be healthy. So, because right now, we are enjoying the gadgets.

But if you build activity into your life: physical, mental and energy, all these things if you build in, health will come. Your body is working well, your mind is working well and your energy is supporting the two making sure nothing goes wrong. That's health. Life is happening in full flow, that's health.

Health is not an idea; it is not a medical idea. The medical fraternity and the medical knowledge has become more and more essential because we have built in very unhealthy lifestyles. Never before in the world medicine had the kind of importance as it is having today, simply because we are becoming more and more sedentary. So, we are becoming more and more unhealthy.

We are living longer, maybe. That's because of excessive attention and you know - you can live on tubes for twenty years - otherwise nature has its own way of, you know, natural selection. You know what that means? Yes, those . .

. The life that is fit, which will be selected to live; that is not fit which . . .

Goes on. But today, we've made life in a different way, not that we can go back to the old ways anymore, we cannot. But that doesn't mean we have to become sixty when we're twenty. A lot of 20 year-olds today cannot perform as much activity as sixty year-olds used to do hundred years ago.

It's a fact. Isn't it so? Hundred years ago what a sixty year old person was doing, physical activity, that much activity a twenty year old cannot do it today. That means, we're just weakening humanity. A degenerate humanity we will become or a period of time.

So . . . You must use it..