If you qualify, there are three ways you can apply your
Advance Premium Tax Credit: You can decide to spread out the credit equally across the entire year. You can decide to use some of your monthly APTC, which increases the amount youll pay each month but makes it more likely youll receive a refund on
next years tax return; this may be a good option if youre unsure about your income. Or you may decide not to use any of your APTC during the year and simply get the money refunded on next years tax return. Your eligibility and the amount of your Advance Premium Tax Credit depend on the size of your household and your household income.
Changes in your life like having a baby, getting married, or changing jobs can affect the amount of your tax credit or even your eligibility. For instance, if you make more than you expected, your Advance Premium Tax Credit will be lower and you might owe some money at the end of the year. But if you make less than you expected, you may get a refund. If you come back to this site and report your
changes when they happen, youll get your tax credit calculations updated automatically.
If you qualify for the Advance Premium Tax Credit, any way you use it, youll still get a break on the cost of your health insurance to help you get the coverage that meets your needs and budget..