Monday, November 21, 2016

Health Nuts Swap Diets With Junk Food Addicts

Health Nuts Swap Diets With Junk Food Addicts
- She's healthier than me. (Rock music) - Ever since I can remember, I have made a conscious effort in my life to have a incredibly
clean and healthy diet. I am vegan and I tend not to eat too much gluten. - Eating food is equal to happiness, so I really need to focus
on eating what I like.

A lot of junk food, usually. - My mom was really into health, and so it's something I grew up with. - I'm sure that when I
start eating healthy, it'll probably, you know, do something magical? I mean if it doesn't, I'm never gonna healthy, so. I think for me it's
gonna be hard mentally.

But physically it's
gonna be harder for you. - [Cameraman] Dun dun dun. - [YB] So literally all my
favorite foods in there. - Okay, pizza.

Oh you put in parentheses, "I can usually eat the whole pizza." "No vegetables on it, hehehehe." (Laughs) So I guess I'm eating a whole pizza. Let's go. - So breakfast smoothie, I like smoothies. Blueberries, kale, banana, wheatgrass powder.

What's wheatgrass? - Wheatgrass is um, it's a grass. - So I'm eating grass. - Yeah. - I think one out of 10, I'll do maybe like eight.

- I think I'm gonna do terrible. (Laughs) (curious music) - So Saturday morning I went to get the smoothie
for my breakfast smoothie. And then I got a wheatgrass shot because they had it. - She's gonna have a wheatgrass shot and then you'll be like, "I can take on the world." - Ugh.

It's like, not good at all. It's like warm grass. - I did the whole Saturday
morning cartoon thing in bed with my Reese's Puffs. Just really, really sugary.

I don't know if I can
eat a whole bowl of this. But it's kind of good. - So it's 11:50 and I finished the smoothie
while I was driving, and I am so hungry. I'm used to very carb heavy breakfast.

So I was getting kinda hangry. - So I went to yoga Saturday afternoon. I was really tired during class. It's as if the sugar from the cereal just rushed to my brain.

And all I wanna do is go
get a giant Green Juice to (bleep) cleanse the
sugar out of my system. - Sky is drinking something healthy. Whatcha drinkin'? (Sad trombone sound) - I cheated, okay? But after dinner I made up for it. I ate a whole bunch of Doritos.

I'm gonna eat so many of these. These are (bleep) amazing. Wow. - Smoothie time.

Oh, it's good. Oh, I thought it was gonna
taste like really bad, but it's really good. I even went hiking with my dog, and I was like feeling good. I was like, "Yeah, I feel
healthy and I have energy!" The only sucky part was
like after I came back home, I was super hungry and, you know, and tired.

But I had to cook again. - I really failed. I failed hard. I'm just gonna admit it.

I should've been better. I should've stuck to the experiment more. But I felt the effects. And, Sunday night dinner, I went through the Burger King drive-thru.

- You are the last person I would imagine to even accept this challenge because of how often we discuss health and how often I see you doing, like, pushups in our backyard. (Laughs) - Hi, can I have a small fries and a Coke? Like I feel, if anyone saw me doing this, it would just ruin my image. French fries and ketchup, I can dig that. But I don't know, like, I don't have a burning desire
to eat the rest of this.

I'm not craving this. I'm craving a Green Juice. - So, we eat the kelp noodles with pesto, salad, some kale. I want other stuff.

I want, like, chicken wings. And I want burgers, pizza, other stuff to go with it. I would prefer it with
just like normal noodles. I think that would be really, really good.

But this is a healthy alternative. (Upbeat music) I'm really glad I did this challenge. It was a really, like I learned a lot. I learned how to cook a little bit.

And I learned about a
lot of other ingredients that I didn't know about. - Like, I've realized
throughout this experience that the food that I eat is so much a part of my identity. And not having it, I feel like I'm not myself. Sweet Chili Doritos are the bomb.

That's all I'm gonna say about that..

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