Monday, October 8, 2018

Where Can I Get Affordable Health Insurance if I Have Diabetes

Where Can I Get Affordable Health Insurance if I Have Diabetes
Hello, I am Ty Mason of thediabetescouncil.Com,
researcher, writer and I have type 2 diabetes. I want to emphasize that my perspective is
coming from one with Type 2 and not Type 1. Our channel is primarily for those with Type
2 Diabetes and PreDiabetes. Today I want to talk about health insurance
for those with diabetes.

After you watch the video today, I invite
you check out the description box for my new ebook. This is one of the most comprehensive diabetes
meal planning book you can find. It contains diabetes friendly meals/recipes,
recipes for different goals such as 800-1800 calories per day meal plan, diabetes meal
planning tips and tricks. There are also tons of diabetes friendly recipes
for everyone! Diabetes is primarily a self-managed disease.

In order to stay healthy, a person with diabetes
needs supplies like test strips, meters and insulin. Adequate and affordable health insurance is
important for people with diabetes to help them access the supplies, medications, education
and health care to manage their diabetes and prevent, or treat, complications. In the past, obtaining health insurance could
be difficult for people with diabetes, however recent reforms improve access to coverage. The 2010 Affordable Care Act was passed in
hopes it would give more Americans access to better health insurance at a reasonable

As of the date of this video, the law is collapsing
with many insurers dropping out of the exchange leaving many with no real choice for health
insurance. The Obama Care is currently in the process
of being repealed and replaced by the new administration. I say this, not as a political statement,
but to say this is a fluid situation and the information I give to you from my research
is subject to change very quickly. Depending on the state in which you live and
the where in that state, you have the ability to purchase health insurance regardless of
the fact that you diabetes.

For many this is the most affordable option. However, some with diabetes may also qualify
for government assistance programs such as MediCare of MediCaid. My first suggestion would be for you to visit
your local social security office or visit medicare.Org
Many pharmaceutical companies also offer help on medications through discount prescription
plans that are often free of charge. If you do not qualify for government assistance,
your best option is to visit your states insurance exchange website.

This is usually found at your states insurance
dept website. You can also google your states insurance
exchange website. I know I am assuming that those of you watching
are residents of the US, other countries have different methods of insurance including government
run insurance. Health Insurance is a big topic these days.

It is sad that some people have to choose
between needed medication and making a car payment. At times, it seems the insurance premiums
cost more than the benefits. I feel your pain if you have to make those
tough decisions. I encourage you to seek out help from the
makers of your medications or testing supplies.

Quite often they can be very helpful. Dont forget to get my new ebook and please,
subscribe to our channel for many more videos like this one in the future. Thanks for watching. I am Ty Mason..

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