Thursday, November 1, 2018

Why do you need health insurance

Why do you need health insurance
They say health is wealth. Unfortunately, this holds true when you fall ill as well! When that happens... ...You realise the fact... ...That your coverage is really inadequate!!! Sub-limits only partially fund your treatement or prevent you from choosing the facility you want If that isn't bad enough...

You realise you've used up the complete limits in one round of hospitalisation! Leaving no room for more! To add insult to injury medical costs have risen fast like real estate prices making your current insurance policy quite inadequate! Your heart is beating faster already!!! But hold on... It's not all that bad! We know there are many confusing questions How expensive is medical treatment in my city? Is the insurance provided by my employer sufficient? Should I insure every family member individually... ... Or should I go for a common policy cover? Will my existing health problems be covered? The worst thing you can do is compromise on your medical treatment tomorrow, because you are simply not bothered today! A small premium every month could save you a fortune...

... When emergency strikes! Our well researched tools, blog posts and videos help you navigate this decisions. You'll find it's truly healthy knowledge!.

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