Saturday, April 10, 2021

€1.5 million to increase the quality at the end of life

Zurich, July 7, 2020 – We+Care, the Swiss care coordination pilot project received funding from the EU’s AAL innovation promotion program for a three-year international research and development project called “Quality of Life at the End of Life”, which aims to improve the quality of life of care recipients at the end of life, their family caregivers and inter-professional teams from care providers.
Initiated in 2018, We+Care is tapping the untapped knowledge of family carers and helps creating the right care solution by making informed decisions on how to setup and coordinate a care network optimizing the resources efficacy of integrated care groups.
The «QEoL» project will help We+Care extend its proposition to remote palliative care cases, supporting connected families to fulfil last wishes using immersive and assistive technology. Funding for the project totals €1.5 million; of which €0.8 million represents public funding from the AAL Association, leading the Ambient Assisted Living Joint Programme financed by the European Commission, Innosuisse – the Swiss innovation promotion agency, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research – CIHR and Austrian Research Promotion Agency, FFG.
The study lasting to December 31, 2022 stipulates that the partners of the project address the specific needs of care recipients during the very last stage of their life by applying emerging technologies. Extending We+Care’s open development platform technology aims to change the narrative of the tabooed end of life care.
The project is researched and developed in partnership with the coordinating Swiss Carers Association - Pro Aidants, the longevity startup - We+Tech, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences with the active assisted living team from iHomeLab, Canton of Aargau – Swiss public agency represented by the division of long term care within the department of Health and Welfare, University of Toronto Mississauga’s TAG Lab team specialized in technologies for aging gracefully and Innsbruck-based Smart in Life e.U. - consultancy for smart and assistive technology.
Picture-Downloads:Team-Picture from Kick-Off EventQuality End of Life Visual
More information: Patrick Hofer, Project Coordinator, +41445867964,
About Pro AidantsPro Aidants, the Swiss Carers Association is a national membership charity for informal carers. In the pilot project We+Care an inter-professional community of long-term care providers are collaboratively exploring integrated care solutions.Source: RealWire

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